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My first cross-country drive

As you read this post, I will have just arrived on a red eye from Long Beach, California, to Dulles Airport in Virginia. My recently graduated eldest daughter Alex will be picking me up at the airport at 5 a.m., and we will be starting our eight-day drive across the country, returning to Seal Beach, California.

Being a big “family and friends” person, I have chosen cities to stop in where we have either family or friends. Alex and I both chose a landmark that we wanted to visit, too.

For me, it was Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. For Alex, it’s Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.

I will be sharing some of our most notable experiences during this trip in upcoming posts. Of course we will stop and visit supermarkets. Do produce departments look different in Omaha and South Dakota from what I see in Southern California? (My friend John, who is originally from Omaha, told me to stop by the wholesale produce market in downtown Omaha. Who knew there was such a place?) I hope we dine in interesting places and taste the local cuisine of Americana.

As you may know from reading this blog my personal passion is produce. I grew up in the produce business and I love it! So much so, that our company mission is to Change the way America eats fruits and vegetables. And my goal during this cross-country journey is to share stories and experiences that relate to food, produce, being healthy and enjoying life!

So, Bon Voyage! And if you have any suggestions for some awesome food places on our route, please email me!


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