As the year draws to a close, I had the chance to look over my writings, predictions, and thoughts from the past 52 weeks. It’s fun to see what topics resonated with those who read my blog. So, here goes… My top 5 posts of 2015:
1. Produce Trends for 2015
Interesting to see that a few of these trends appeared in this week’s headlines: food waste, ugly produce, and smaller supermarkets. (Read the post here.)
2. Demystifying Shishito and Padron Peppers, and
3. What the Hell Do I Do with Kohlrabi?
I don’t always write about produce, but when I do, I try to pick the most interesting and timely products. (Read more here and here.)

4. Meeting Someone Famous
Anyone who knows me knows that I do not usually get star-struck, but I when I saw famed author Mark Bittman in a downtown L.A. restaurant, I had to write about it (and I mentioned meeting Shaquille O’Neal at the Chicago airport). Interestingly enough, Mark recently left the New York Times and is now working for a start-up called Purple Carrot. Home delivery of vegan meal ingredients. I need to call him. (Read the post here.)
5. The Book that Changed My Life
Of course, I had to write about this book. In case you are wondering, I have kept the habits of the author intact in my house, and I still fold my clothes the way she taught me, and my house is still decluttered. I think the way our house or work space looks is a metaphor of our lives. (Read more.)
And finally a bonus from my top posts of 2015. The first of my predictions of “hot items” for 2016…Fresh Turmeric. I wrote about it here. I predict you will be seeing it more and more in produce departments, in recipes, on menus, and as a featured ingredient in nutritional supplements.
Enjoy the holidays! Next time, I will share my predictions for 2016.