Tags Jaguar i Pace Asking Questions and Saying Thank You Admin January 29, 2021 A few months ago, just days before my big birthday (the one that makes me eligible to get vaccinated later
Tags Eggplant Why I Do Not Consume Soybean Oil Admin January 21, 2021 About 15 years ago, I started seeing a Naturopath. Well, actually, I was looking for a nutritionist and a dear
Are You Sure You Want To Choose Shitty? Admin January 13, 2021 We all have them. Shitty days. Admit it! And in 2020, didn’t it seem like you had more than your fair
A Recap Of My 2020 Hits & Misses Admin January 7, 2021 Happy New Year! As you may recall, 13 months ago I made a decision to try something new. I decided
2020 Turned Out To Be A Good Year Admin December 31, 2020 So far I have received about 100 holiday cards from friends and family from every part of the country. My
“Ordering In” Can Make A Difference Admin December 23, 2020 Where I live in San Clemente, Calif., we face the same scenario as most everyone does. Part of our town
Putting Goals In Writing – Does It Make A Difference? Admin December 16, 2020 I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. I’ve tried them before, and like most everyone, I slip back
The Difference One Person Can Make – Part 2 Admin December 10, 2020 A few months ago, I wrote about my experience (The Difference One Person Can Make) visiting two separate wineries in
Facebook, Shopping and You, 2.0 Admin December 3, 2020 Like almost everyone, I end my day by checking my Instagram and Facebook feeds. It gives me a chance to see
Visiting My First Presidential Library Admin November 12, 2020 With the election top of mind, last Saturday morning we were looking for things to do with our out-of-town house