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No, that is not a typo.

My daughter and I were getting our flu shots last week at our local Target store, and while we waited, I started wandering through the aisles.

And that’s when I saw this small white box – about the size of a large deck of cards — with the title, “Flashcarbs®.” I was intrigued.

Flashcarbs cards are a learning tool for people living with diabetes. I am guessing that McNeil Nutritionals, the company who makes them, realized that there was an opportunity to reach out to diabetic consumers who are struggling to figure out the difference between “good carbs” and “bad carbs.”

So, they went back to basics — the way we all learned our multiplication tables when we were younger. Flash cards!

This small box, which costs about $10, contains 48 cards featuring carbohydrate counts for everyday foods.

Good-for-you foods, like blueberries, green beans and salad.

Tempting foods like pancakes, donuts and ice cream.

The reality is that 18 million people in the United States have been diagnosed with diabetes with an estimated additional 5 million who have not YET been diagnosed. Coincidentally, November is National Diabetes Month so you will be seeing, reading and hearing about Diabetes and Prevention everywhere! (That’s probably why the Flashcarbs® were on display.)

All of us know someone who has diabetes and unfortunately they may not realize what a serious disease it is. Not only can it affect your vision and your circulation, it can be life threatening.

So, in this month of Thanksgiving, let’s take some time to think about our food and exercise choices and be good and thoughtful examples for our family and friends.

To your good health!


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