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Fresh Inspiration: Edible Centerpieces

I was giving a tour of the Frieda’s warehouse last week, and as our visitors walked through the refrigerated coolers, opening boxes and asking questions, one of them asked, “What do you do with those cute little things?”

She was referring to our spiky orange Horned Melons.

I explained to her that Horned Melons (aka Kiwanos) taste like a combination of cucumber, lime and banana (but are a little slimy), and they make a great conversation piece. (We actually have a fun little video about these odd fruits on YouTube.)

As I spoke, an idea popped into my head. Wouldn’t these Horned Melons, and many more of our unusual looking fruits, make great centerpieces?!

Voila! Check out this decorative holiday centerpiece!

Can you tell there are half a dozen Zululand Queen Baby Pineapples in this beautiful arrangement? And in between are little Lady Apples with a bright red blush.

In addition to the decorative pine needles, you can also see a few Cinnamon Sticks, which add to the wonderful smell.

And depending on what you use to mount these exotic fruits (you can use bamboo skewers), this is also an edible centerpiece!

As you get your home ready for the holidays, whether you are hosting a party or just sprucing up the place, don’t forget the produce department for some fresh inspiration!



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