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Information Overload

Information overload – that’s what my nephew, Frankie, said to his dad (Doug). “Dad, how can I possibly keep up with what’s going on in the world – it’s all too much. Isn’t there one place I can go to keep up on what’s happening?”

That was two years ago, when Frankie was a junior in high school. As luck would have it, my brother-in-law Doug was at a doctor’s office a few weeks later, and as he thumbed through the obligatory stack of magazines, he saw a publication titled, The Week: All you need to know about everything that matters.

Wow. That’s a pretty strong statement.

Turns out this weekly magazine is just that. It contains 50 pages of headlines and short articles from around the United States and the world. Top issues. Top stories. They’ve done all the work for you.

Here’s a sampling of headlines from the May 21st issue of The Week: The battle over Kagan begins (newest Supreme Court nominee); The right to display your boxers (yes, men’s boxers, a story from Britain); Oil rigs at sea (oil spill in the Gulf); North Carolina’s new food Mecca, Durham (wasn’t I just at Duke University two months ago?); Jerusalem’s Old City (in Israel)… And finally, for those who have everything, a story on T-shirts for men that hold in their gut (Spanx for men). You get the idea.

This magazine has it all. My mom subscribes, my sister subscribes (the online version). And now, after hearing about it for two years and thumbing through this edition, I think it’s time I do, too.

If you are starved for time, don’t want to watch all the negative stories and 10-second snippets on TV (would rather watch Dancing with the Stars or America Idol), would rather listen to books on tape vs. the radio, check out this magazine.

And that’s the way it is, Walter Cronkite!

Good reading!


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