I did an informal survey of some of my co-workers, family, and friends to find out what moms really want for Mother’s Day. Interestingly, it was not universally, “Go out to brunch or dinner.”
My moms with young children want their hubbies to take the kids away for the day, so they can chill out—by themselves.
For my working moms, a pampering day at the spa is high on the priority list.
My older moms love being treated with dinner out and some quality time with their kids or grandkids.
For me, I had to think long and hard about what I wanted to do for Mother’s Day. Both my daughters, Alex and Sophia, have been asking me, “What do you want for Mother’s Day?”
I knew that I didn’t want them to buy me anything, especially after I decluttered my house last year. Ultimately, I decided that quality time with just the girls and me would be the perfect gift.

I’ve always wanted to hike and never can find the time or an available friend to go with me. So we will start the day at 7:30 a.m. with a hike at Laguna Canyon.
Then we are going to our local nursery to buy some bright, colorful flowers. Now that we are deep into spring and the weather has warmed up, it’s time to do a little gardening. So we are going to plant flowers in my front yard.
For me, part of being a mother is thanking my girls for being so awesome. So, after all their hard work, I am treating them both to a massage in the afternoon.
Then the three of us will be making a healthy dinner together at home. And, of course, we are picking up my mom, Frieda, and bringing her over, so she can enjoy hanging out with us while we cook.

I’m very excited that the perfect day for me is now planned for this year.
If you have a special mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, or significant other, instead of trying to figure out what to do for her on Mother’s Day, try asking! And be open to her request, as it may be unexpected or super simple and not costly.
As they say, it’s the thought that counts!
Happy Mother’s Day to all the awesome mothers out there!