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New Traditions

To me, Thanksgiving is a mix of old traditions and new traditions. And it’s OK to be personal and unique.

As I am leaving for Dallas to be with my husband’s family for Thanksgiving Day, many people in my office have stopped by to say goodbye. I am struck by all the different personal traditions there are, just in our office.

One team member is flying to Colorado to be with her only daughter. Her daughter lives there and she is making dinner for her mom.

One team member is going to stay home with his wife and daughter. “Too much drama at the regular family dinner.” (Hmm…familiar?)

One team member is taking her family and going to a friend’s house. Just two families making a new tradition of thanks.

Someone else is inviting a few friends over for a potluck, but on Saturday, as that day is easier than the traditional Thursday.

Two of my fellow workers are flying to Costa Rica on Thanksgiving Day (OK, I have to admit that one is Costa Rican). I overheard them talking about what kind of “Thanksgiving Dinner” they will enjoy – in a country outside the U.S.

Each of these different approaches to Thanksgiving celebrations tells me that in the hustle and bustle of 2011, a few people have figured it out. It’s OK to have your own tradition.

The most important thing for me is that we pause and enjoy the moment.

When I return from Texas, my immediate family and a few friends will gather at our house on Saturday for our Thanksgiving dinner. The last few years, my two daughters Alex and Sophia have helped me cook, and this year they want to start early with me. Maybe we have the beginnings of a new tradition.

One thing is for sure. At my house, we will have lots of fresh fruits and vegetables — whether it’s a green salad, roasted fingerling potatoes, freshly made cranberry relish or roasted Brussels sprouts.

I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and a yummy, fresh dinner!


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