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Today is World Water Day!

I get more than 250 emails a day. While they often overwhelm me, I eventually open them to see if they are relevant to me.
This is why subject lines are so important. When you send an email, make sure you label the subject line appropriately.
An email from the Jewish National Fund caught my attention: “Tomorrow is World Water Day – Change Begins with a Drop.”
Water is the one commodity that we all have in common. As I mentioned in a previous blog post, Mark Twain said, ““Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over.”
Here in California, the water supply — or lack thereof — has a huge effect on the viability of the produce industry. As you probably know, California’s number one industry is agriculture, and the state is the top supplier of many foods to the world (almonds for example). Well, you can’t grow food without water.
What can you do personally to conserve water, whether you live in California or elsewhere?
First thing – figure out how much water you and your family use, then find a way to consciously conserve.
The World Water Day email I received contained a fascinating “calculator” which allowed me to figure out how many gallons of water my family and I consume in a week. Frankly, it was a bit humbling to find out that my household of three uses almost 2,400 gallons of water a week! This doesn’t include the water that is used outside our home to produce the food we eat, the clothes we wear, wash our cars, etc.
Calculate your own water usage here

For more ways you can personally conserve water, visit Their ideas are easy and user-friendly.
And for more information on what’s happening with California’s water supply, go to

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