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What Do You Want to Know?

I launched this blog three months ago, and it’s been gratifying to get many positive comments on the content. I have received some criticism, too… Thank you for your honesty. That’s how I can make the blog better.

Some have posed questions to me:

• Why did you start the blog?
Answer: Primarily to share the stories behind the 400-plus unusual produce items Frieda’s has introduced to the market.

• But you write about more than produce…
Answer: I’m fortunate that my path crosses daily with so many interesting people – and I always seem to learn a lesson. So I wanted a vehicle to share those lessons.

• Who is your audience?
Answer: Lifelong learners and anyone who eats produce… I guess that is everyone on the planet?

I want to be sure that what I am writing about is resonating with you. So, if you have an idea for a topic on this blog, please post your comments to the blog or reply to this email.

Also, I need to ask a favor. If you like what you’ve been reading, please forward “What’s On Karen’s Plate” to your friends, family and colleagues. Invite them to subscribe via email, too! The more the merrier.

Passing it along is what I call “viral marketing.” Instead of trying to figure out a complicated marketing scheme – I figure it’s best to share this blog with all our friends and your friends. I see jokes being circulated around the globe every day. People like you and me find a joke funny, so we share it with five or 10 friends or to our entire mailing list. Why not share a blog that talks about healthy foods and top-of-mind ideas the same way?

Thanks for considering my request!


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