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What I learned at the gym last week

Like many people, I work out at the gym multiple times a week. Two or three times a week, I work out with a personal trainer. I find that by having an appointment (that costs me money), I am much better at keeping that appointment and working out, than if I try to go it alone. The same applies when I have a workout buddy.

I have been working out with my trainer, Ikumi, for 8 months. With my heavy travel schedule, I sometimes feel like I take two steps forward and one step back, because I have a hard time maintaining a consistent workout schedule.

So, last Thursday, was no exception. I had gained a couple of pounds after 5 days out of town.

So, Ikumi decided we would do an intense “bootcamp” workout, instead of our normal weight training.

About halfway through my 60 minute workout, I was holding a 20 lb. weight in each hand, and having to do a rather challenging move. It was so hard.

And, I found myself saying out loud, “This is so hard. I can’t do it. This is so hard.” I actually was near tears.

And then Ikumi told me to change my self-talk. She told me that I was telling my body to react to my negative talk. She told me to say “I can do it. This is easy.”

Reluctantly, I did that. I said out loud, “I can do this”. I made myself smile. And the weirdest thing happened.

My workout got easier. It was not so hard. I was able to hold the intense moves for 10 to 15 seconds, where before I could not.

What changed? Only my thoughts and words.

As we start our week, I am reminded of that great lesson I learned during my workout last week.

We are what we think.

Simple words and thoughts can determine our success. So next time, if you are saying to yourself or out loud “This is hard. I cannot do it. This is a difficult goal.”

Instead, try saying: “This is easy. I can do it. This is a realistic goal.”

Have a great week! You can do it!


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