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Dragon Fruit at the dentist

The dentist is the last place I thought I would find one of Frieda’s tropical fruits, but that is exactly what happened yesterday.

I am very conscientious about my teeth, so I have them cleaned 3 or 4 times a year. Did you know that one of the ways to maintain and improve your health is to have your teeth cleaned regularly and floss daily. I once asked my dentist how often I should floss my teeth. He said, “Floss your teeth only on the days you want to keep them!” ’Nuf said.

As I walked into the dental office yesterday, my eyes were immediately drawn to a pink can of air freshener made by Febreze. Then I saw the name of the scent: “Thai Dragon Fruit.”

I was so excited that I grabbed the can and ran to my hygienist, Chow. I asked her if she knew where that piece of Dragon Fruit came from.

She said, “Thailand?”

I told her: “No. It came from Frieda’s…my company!”

It was fun to share the story with her: A couple years ago we got a call from a photographer who was doing some work for Procter and Gamble’s Febreze air scent line. We were sworn to secrecy.

Febreze was launching a new line of scents, and one was Thai Dragon Fruit! The folks at P and G were told to call Frieda’s Specialty Produce as we were recommended as a great source of product and information. So, we immediately shipped them a box of fruits. And the photo session took place.

The funny thing to us is that Dragon Fruit really has NO scent! And the flavor is very mild. But it sure looks good on the package. Here is the description from the Febreze can:

THAILAND: Thailand means land of the smile. Easy to do when you welcome the tropical freshness of Thai Dragon Fruit to your home land.

If you want to know more about fresh Dragon Fruit – check it out on our website.

A beautiful slice of Magenta Dragon Fruit.

Dragon Fruit is quite eye-catching arranged in a tropical fruit centerpiece and it comes in a variety of colors. Frieda’s sells both the magenta and white-fleshed varieties. The flavor and texture reminds me of a very mild Kiwifruit. It has become much more popular in the past few years and it’s encouraging to us that many supermarkets now carry it as part of their tropical fruits displays. Dragon Fruit is available intermittently year-round and is grown in Thailand, Vietnam, and the U.S.A. (and other places, too).

I wonder what I will find on my next trip to the dentist…


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